Christopher Burns
Christopher Burns - RN with Diverse Experience
Registered nurse Christopher (Chris) Burns most recently spent a year as a certified registered nurse anesthetist at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital in Fairbanks, Alaska. His responsibilities revolved around the provision of IV and inhalant anesthesia to patients of all ages. Christopher Burns handled all stages and aspects of the anesthesia process, from conducting preoperative assessments to assisting patients emerging from anesthesia as well as providing post-operative care.
Prior to this, Christopher Burns served as an ICU nurse at the Aventura Hospital and Medical Center in Aventura, Florida, and a telemetry nurse at Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital in Rockledge. He has been a member of both the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists and the Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists since 2014.
Chris Burns currently lives in Key Largo, Florida, where he enjoys aquatic activities that include surfing, fishing, diving, and boating. He likes to landscape his lawn and watch movies with his family in his spare time.

Key Largo, FL USA